Soft vs Hard Cue Tip: Which is Best for You?

Whether you play pool, snooker or billiards, choosing the correct cue tip hardness is a really important step when purchasing a cue. In this article, I’ll explain the differences between soft and hard cue tips and why it matters, so you can choose the best type for you.

The Quick Answer

Softer cue tips are less prone to miscues than harder cue tips. Hard cue tips feel more direct and are more durable which means the player will not need to re-shape the tip or re-tip the cue as often. Softer cue tips feel more cushioned however, they will get squashed and become harder over time.

What are the mechanics behind the differences?

The difference between hard and soft cue tips comes down to the amount of contact time they have with the ball. Hard tips have less “dwell time” because the cue ball bounces off more quickly. Softer tips allow the cue ball to push into the tip more, meaning the contact time is longer.

How it Affects Feel?

The hardness of a pool or snooker cue affects how the shot feels. Harder cue tips have a more harsh impact when hitting the cue ball, whereas softer cue tips feel more spongy and springy by comparison. There’s no right of wrong here, it’s all down to personal preference.

Some players prefer the more direct feeling of a harder cue tip, whilst others prefer the cushioned feel of a softer cue tip. My best advice is to try both types, and something in-between as well so you can get a feel for which one bests suits your playing style. If you like to use more delicate shots, a softer tip is likely to be a better option but if power is a big part of your game, a harder tip will be better suited.


Soft cue tips hold chalk better than harder cue tips, which impacts the chance of miscuing the ball. Having more chalk on the cue tip reduces the chance of a miscue, so softer tips tend to be better in this regard. Some players also feel that a softer cue tip reduces the chance of a miscue simply because the ball has a longer contact time which provides more grip.

However, this is a pretty debated topic and in reality, the dwell time is unlikely to make a significant difference when it comes to the frequency of miscues, and it’s more likely to be down to the amount of chalk on the tip itself.

Power and Speed

Harder cue tips are more powerful and hence, offer better speed than softer cue tips. Since harder cue tips are not compressed by the cue ball as much, the impact is harder and less energy is lost, creating a more powerful and faster shot. Softer cue tips result in much more energy loss when the tip strikes the cue ball due to the compression, this results in a less powerful and slower shot.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that there’s a limit to how powerful you actually want your shots to be. Power (and speed) really comes from your technique and how you actually use the cue, and the hardness of the tip is not what actually generates power. So, for pretty much every player, you’ll be able to perform fast shots regardless of how hard the cue tip is, it might just require slightly more effort with a softer tip.

Applying Spin

The effect of tip hardness on spin application is a very debated topic. Some players feel that softer tips are better for applying spin because the longer contact time gives you more opportunity to apply spin on the ball. However, the difference between hard and soft tips in terms of dwell time is very small and most players will not actually be able to notice the difference.

The hardness of the cue tip does affect the feel of the cue, however, it’s effect on spin isn’t so clear. There are also some that argue that harder cue tips actually result in more spin because the extra power generated will cause the ball to spin for longer.

Durability and Consistency

Perhaps the biggest difference between soft and hard cue tips comes down to their durability and consistency. Hard cue tips will remain hard when you use them, whilst soft cue tips will become harder over time.

Cue tips are essentially squashed every time you hit the cue ball. Since softer tips are squashed more, this causes the tip to compact and makes it more likely for it to become misshaped. If you are playing with a softer tip, it’s likely that you’ll need to re-shape it far more often than if you were playing with a harder tip. It also means that you’ll need to replace the tip more often if you want to play with a softer tip for longer before it hardens.

The impact of the cue ball can also cause softer tips to “mushroom” which means the tip becomes squashed and wider than the ferrule. In this instance, you’ll need to remove the excess and reshape the tip, or re-tip it if it is too hard or flat at this point.

Check out my guide to re-tipping which includes maintenance advice to help your cue tip last as long as possible.

Which is Best?

The “best” hardness of a cue tip is a very personal preference and depends completely on your style of playing. However, here are some final points to help you make your decision.

  • Soft cue tips will need replacing and shaping more often than hard cue tips
  • Hard cue tips are more prone to miscues as they hold less chalk than softer tips.
  • Softer cue tips will become hard over time.
  • Cue tips hardness has a big impact on the way a shot feels as harder tips will feel more direct.

The size of a cue tip impacts several aspects of its performance? Check out my comparison between different cue tip sizes to learn more.

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Game and Entertain

Hey, I'm Heather, the owner and creator of I made this website to help you learn more about setting up a home entertainment and games room. My favourite games are ping pong, darts and pool, but I also have experience in other games which I aim to share using this website.

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